
El Museo Comunitario Tecate
El Museo Comunitario de Tecate (Ver Folleta) da a conocer el patrimonio cultural, histórico y natural de la región. Se encuentra ubicado en el Centro Cultural de Tecate (CECUTEC), el museo incluye:
Áreas de exposición permanente.
Jardines etnobotánicos.
Una casa tradicional Kumiai.
Tienda de regalos.
Oficinas administrativas y baños.

The Story of the Museum
A project of this scope can only become reality through the collaboration of a wide variety of people and institutions committed to the establishment and long-term sustainability of the museum. The good news is that our project team is already off to a remarkable start.
The museum project began as an idea of Kumiai community members who dreamed of a place where Kumiai culture could be passed on to future generations. Tecate area Kumiai community members have participated in the planning process, and have set clear priorities for the museum, which they hope will “instill respect for our territory (sacred sites, environment), cultures and customs; provide accurate information on the history of the native regions of Baja California; create a neutral space for all the communities, and involve Kumiai in the whole process. We want this museum to become a reality.”
The idea was further developed through the work of a team of experts from San Diego State University, with support from the President’s Leadership Fund and the Southwest Consortium for Environmental Research and Policy. SDSU professor Dr. Lynn Gamble and anthropologist Michael Wilken-Robertson have spearheaded the effort.
The project finds a home thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration of the Tecate community organization Corredor Histórico CAREM A.C., which envisions this museum as the first stage of a larger museum complex located in the Tecate Cultural Center (CECUTEC). CAREM, which has already established a community library and media auditorium at the CECUTEC, will manage the museum. Through the affiliation of CAREM with the International Community Foundation, tax deductions may be offered to donors.
The municipality of Tecate has given its formal support to the project through a council resolution providing a permanent land-use agreement for the grounds.

In prehistoric times the natives were hunters and gatherers, they had music, song, dance (Kuri-kuri), myths, stories and legends, they were artists in ceramics, basketry, and cave paintings.
The native groups mainly collected acorn (oak fruit) in Tecate and piñón (pine fruit) in Sierra Juárez.
The presence of the first settlers is manifested through cave paintings, petroglyphs, mortars, shells, among others.
Before 1830 there were some indigenous settlements in the region. In 1876 the agricultural colony was established, which gave rise to the formation of other ranches

Towards the establishment of the ranches, the royal road of the Californias was drawn largely based on trails made by nomadic and semi-nomadic indigenous people who were engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering. For this reason, the natives knew perfectly the ecosystems, climates and water sources of the wild landscapes to perfection.
During the missionary stage, a large number of indigenous people adhered to the sedentary lifestyle that the missionaries established, and worked to achieve the missionary objectives, in this process the military, miners and travelers were also involved.

Tecate's contemporary era begins in 1914 with the arrival of the San Diego-Arizona Railroad by Mr. Jonh Spreckles.
The Tijuana-Tecate road has a length of 71,418 kilometers and was built at the beginning of the 20th century (between 1909 and 1915).
Contemporary Tecate starts from the category of sub-delegation, delegation and finally municipality of Tecate, the first municipal president being Mr. Eufrasio Santana Sandoval in 1953, from that moment on the different industries that give rise to the growth of the city are opened. it is the heart of Baja California.

Programs focus on documentation and revitalization of native cultures, historical archives, oral tradition, educational events, and workshops.
The permanent exhibition halls feature authentic regional artifacts, photographs, murals, sculptures, interactive cards, and bilingual signage (Spanish / English), creatively illustrating three main phases of Tecate's culture and history: Prehistory, the Time of Ranchos and the Contemporary. The first phase, the Ancestor's Ward, (designed by California artist James Hubbell) explores the prehistoric life of the region.

In Mexico
Tláloc Street # 400 Cuauhtémoc neighborhood. CP 21480, Tecate BC
PO Box 280 Tecate CA. 91980
Hours and Telephones:
Offices from Monday to Friday
from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel.- 011 52 665 521 3970
Museum from Wednesday to Sunday
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel.- 011 52 665 521 3191